Providing Food, Housing & Hope

One little girl was pushed to beg on the street when her mother passed away. As a toddler and young school age she was so hungry that she ate mud to stop the hunger pains. She survived this experience and is now flourishing in the care and protection of her Christian orphanage.

Our Change Makers at building hope in this young girls life. They are sending money for locally produced food, sending resources that will provide shelter and funding faith based ministry that will help her next generation. The Foundation For Change is a small part of a larger mission to nurture many like her and impacting families for generations.

Thank you for your kindness and support, $10/mo protects a rural orphan in India , $20 shelters an urban child and $45 will feed them for 3 months. For $225/mo we can provide 100% of an orphanages operations costs for an entire month. That is 25 kids who are protected from slavery, trafficking, hunger and homelessness.

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