Protecting Orphaned, Impoverished & Endangered Children

Join our Change Makers in saving and protecting children worldwide.


We partner with agencies to ensure all God’s children are protected, and cared for. We seek for cover operational cost and special grants for orphanages and those who make deep lasting changes in a child’s world.


Providing Food, Housing & Hope

The children being supported through your investment have experienced the worst this world has to offer. But they are survivors and your love makes it possible for them to flourish. Because of your help these children are growing into healthy and promising young adults with a service mindset for the next generation.


Restoring Hope To A Generation

Some of these kids have never had anyone offer help and safety. You are part of a movement to show them God’s loves through small acts of kindness. Food, health, housing and education are the foundations of life. We aim to meet these children in their times of need. As a Change Maker you protect them so they can make lasting impacts on future generations.


Feeding The Hungry

Our Change Makers have partnered with Rice Bowls Inc to help feed the worlds hungry kids. Rice Bowls has been faithfully feed children for nearly 30 years and we are proud to partner with them to help feed the orphaned and impoverished.


“With the support from Lusaka, we have been able to serve our students better than ever.”

— Alonzo F., School Principal



Feel free to contact us with any questions.

(614) 282-3316